Mark 3:20-35

Problems At Home!”

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of all our hearts be acceptable in thy sight, Oh Lord, Our King, Our Strength and Our Redeemer! AMEN.

Have you ever heard it said that Jesus was tested in every area, just as we are?

Did you think though, that because he was so good then He didn't have any family problems? Let's look at Mark, Chapter 3, verses 20 -21.

Did you ever have your family want to put you away, because they thought you were out of your mind? Well as we just heard, Jesus did!

But, He saw His family turn around and acknowledge Him as Messiah after His death. Jude, one of His half-brothers became a leading light in the Jerusalem Church.

They came to realize that Jesus IS the way!

Now moving on to Mark, Chapter 3, verses 22 to 30. Have you had people try to put you down because they were jealous of your success? Jesus did! Not only that the attack came from inside the Church!

The Pharisees who claimed to be “Godly” wanted to kill Him because He was getting a following doing things that they could not do. They even claimed that He cast out demons using the power of Beelzebub or Satan!

Well Jesus gave them God's answer to this and the principle behind the answer also. If Satan is driving out Satan then his kingdom cannot last. If Satan is giving people oppression and also taking it away and crediting God, his kingdom cannot stand but is coming to an end.

The principle applies to God also. If you believe that God is oppressing people with evil and then through Christ removing it, then you are saying that His kingdom is divided and cannot last. If that is really God, your salvation is not secure.

But God's kingdom is NOT divided. God is good all the time; all the time God is good! Jesus only did what He saw the Father doing and He went around healing all those who were oppressed by the DEVIL! We see this in Acts 10, verse 38.

They are singing from the same hymn sheet! Your salvation is secure. We know that the Pharisees are wrong and Jesus IS the Truth!

So what of us today? Jesus references us when He discusses WHO are His mother or brother.

This is in Mark, Chapter 3, verses 31-35.

We who do the will of God are Jesus' mother, sister and brother.

But do we understand the will of the Father?

God's will is for us to surrender to Him and let Jesus live His life through us. Then we will do all the things that He did and even greater things are possible, as Jesus Himself said in John 14, verse 12.

God's will in other words is for us to follow Jesus' example, do what He did and develop His character.

If people are seeing more of Jesus in you each year then you ARE doing God's will and you are indeed Jesus' brother or sister!

As you and I live in this way, or rather let Jesus live through us, we become the light of the world which is set on a hill and cannot be hidden. We will be radiating the light we receive from Jesus as we walk in the light.

We will then be able to win people for Christ and bring them to find life everlasting.

Because, Jesus is the Life!

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life!

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy spirit, be with us and remain with us all, now and forever.

